Friday, April 23, 2010

time out

The last few days have me feeling run down, and the allergies are kicking in big time. I decided to take some time off, to rest and recharge. Already I am feeling the positives. I was able to sleep in today, and I woke up feeling lighter, and rested. I took a shower, and got dressed, went out to walk the dog and pick up some incidentals, groceries. Greeted some neighbors along the way and got home, and am relaxing. Turns out a relative had passed away, and I ended up having to cover two other relatives for their flower orders. These two people, one of which is y who has been scheming and skulking and being a general overall ungrateful you know what, turns out to have their butt and face saved once again by the likes of me, the one y is convincing themselves that somehow I'm the issue in why their lives suck and I need to go.

This weekend promises to be sunny and gorgeous, and I am going to transplant my little garden to a bigger pot, which means I must have enough rich soil in order to do this.

x already sees the difference in my taking this time off. Much needed.

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