Sunday, April 18, 2010

support and lack of

Started putting a little away, just to get the ball rolling. It's nice when you have people on your side, cheering you on, being supportive.

Then there's J. J is kind of playing it fast and loose with his most recent love interest, who is very interested in settling down and playing house. Of course, this just drives J in the other direction and has him looking specifically for studio apartments and roommate situations with anyone and everyone BUT the love interest. What could be holding J back from building a life and living with his love? And what's this latest talk that the clinging love interest is talking about wanting to see other people and experiment a bit more?

I see a desperate play here, put out by someone who wants to hang on to J and that will involve sacrificing their dignity and monogamy in order to do it. That usually signals the death knell.

The weekend ends on a quiet note. I figure that there's only a few more hours to watch television, then get things in order before going to sleep, before facing tomorrow and the new work week.

One thing that I did to help my sanity -- wrote a blow by blow on what was going on regarding an individual at work giving me a hassle and being lazy. The straw that broke the camel's back on this individual was when they had the audacity to accuse me of trying to pawn my work onto them! So that was the final straw, I wrote my piece and sent it to our supervisor.

It felt good to put everything down, and it was a long time coming. Of course, I suspect the higherups didn't read even half of it before steam came out of their ears, but at this point I don't give a fuck. I give a shit about as much as they do, obviously. A sloppy ship gets shitty returns.

I stay serious about my work and get it done.

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