Monday, August 31, 2009

Fighting the urge to break something. Or break something over someone's head.

It's frustration, really. For a number of reasons and none.

Why is it that a simple smile and gentle tease get someone to think you got the hots for them?

Why is it that a simple request to meet for an interview turns into a power play as to who is available when?

Why is it that you ask me what dates I'm available for, I give them to you, and you still go for an alternate day? What passive-aggressive b.s. is that? Why bother asking? Just tell me what days you are available and cut the crap.

Why is it that you want to give the air that you are so busy that you don't dare give your availability days as if to prove you are?

Here's an example:

"What days are you available next week to interview?"

"Monday and Tuesday, any time."

"How about Thursday?"

"I am not available. How about the following Monday?"

"No. Are you employed?"

What kind of question is that to ask? As if I would have nothing better to do if I was not employed to come when called like some fucking dog. I resist the urge to tell this person off, because I knew they were making a catty point. And this meet is not a guarantee of any kind, just a courtesy call at best. Some courtesy. I call them for what they are, a lookee-loo. Which means I'll be wasting another $4.50 of my precious money to go through the motions of filling out an application with information my resume already has supplied to them, further wasting my time, money, energy and now, ink. Instead, I do a classic passive aggressive move that I always hated someone else doing when I had asked them a direct question -- ignore their question with providing my own:

"Can you provide alternate dates that don't land towards the end of the week?" I counter.

The person comes up with Wednesday @ 10 am, despite the fact I was clear that I had nothing available beyond Tuesday of that week. (remember I offered Monday and Tuesday) and the day before they wanted to see me (they had picked Thursday).

They are not in a rush and making it clear and are hoping I am. While I am eager to work, desperation has gotten me into more jams than I care to admit or get into again. This is something that perhaps this agency is counting on. However, I can't afford desperation tactics, and I have no track record with them and I'm only going by a fellow acquaintance's referral not by the company's reputation if they have one so it's a wash.

Do I blink and take the day even though I already stated I'm not available for it? Or do I write and say that I will take the day they offer, end the power play and simply allow for the waste of time? And I assume waste, because if they really thought I was something, they would have accomodated me somehow.

Well, we'll see. I have some time to think about it.

Right now I'm doing laundry, preparing for the long weekend ahead. My volunteer work will not be in play, so I am in for one long uneventful weekend, staring at people who don't make my life any easier to deal with.

It's another crappy grey day. It's Monday. And there's no money coming in.

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