Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Male whiner on "can't get a date" so just shoot to kill.

A man goes on a shooting spree at one of those workout gym places where a bunch of women are at an exercise class -- he opens fire on the class, even shooting the instructor who was pregnant.

Managed to kill 3 women, pregnant woman hurt but alive.

So what was all this about? I flashed right away thinking this guy had a problem with women.

Guess I didn't need a fancy degree to figure that one out. Turns out the fool had trouble relating to women and couldn't get a date to save his life. So he decided to turn that anger into action. If a woman wouldn't say yes to him, he was going to hurt and kill them the same way he was feeling.

Dude, there are bigger issues out there needing fixing and not getting a date is not one of the priorities here. Life is too short to be miserable. You should have shot yourself and taken yourself out of your own misery.

I do not have any sympathy for someone who resorts to violence over something that is non-violent in nature. You learn to live on your own and get to love yourself first before you think someone else can love you. If you don't love yourself, how do you expect anyone else to? And in the end, you grow up and realize that your existence does not hinge on someone liking you or not. That's high school shit to think it does.

He wasn't a bad looking man, he probably had zero social skills or just wasn't very nice to people to begin with. In any case, he lives and three women died because of his social ineptness and misplaced anger. Anger towards women continue unabated even in this day and age. Sad.

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