Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Outta whack

Tomorrow I have an early morning appointment with an agency that I've been playing time tag with. Today on a related but separate note, I get a phone call from another HR person that I've cultivated a business relationship with on my own that they were thinking of me regarding a job opening they had -- and they had gone on vacation, trying to remember my information and figuring when they got back they would have to check their files -- and then lo and behold they come back from vacation and had seen the email I sent as my check-in I sent the other day just to say hello and find out any new leads. They thanked me for even sending my updated resume. I laughed and said "that's it, that's a sign!" HR laughed too. They brought up another position too, so they're going to submit me to both. They both have not as complex responsibilities and the pay is lower than I'd like, (I may be considered "overqualified" -- one may even think I'll leave in 3 or 6 months -- unlikely, but there's no guarantee in life, is there?) but I consider it a good viable opportunity, as I explained, it would be in my neighborhood area, (meaning I cut down on transportation costs YAYYY me) and it's an organization I've been really wanting to work for, as they are well aware. If I didn't care, I wouldn't have been following up every other month as I have been.

So because of my diligence and periodic checking in, things seem to be looking up.

Between that and depositing the check today and doing laundry yesterday, things are starting to move forward. Started clearing up my room. Have to remind myself I have an actor-related class tomorrow hours after the interview. I should have tried to put in something else inbetween the morning meeting and evening meet so I don't waste the train ride, but what the hey. I have to wear a bit of a monkey-suit for tomorrow which will not be comfortable after a few hours going to the acting class. I'll figure something out.

Tonight I will need to check my grooming and take a quick shower because I will need to be ready and out the door for my 'lookee-loo" with this other agency. I'm walking in with nothing to lose. Let's see how it goes.

Meanwhile, my eating patterns have been kind of wonky but I've been sleeping well for a change. Had a dream where this pink/peach home was where people I knew were hanging out, and spanish music was playing, I think, salsa music. And I was trying to find the way in, as I was being greeted by others. Hmm. Wonder what it meant.

My stomach's acting up. AUGH! I tried to eat light today but I was hungry. So now I have to pay for it. Yuck!

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