Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Keeping things hidden

The battle begins as far as how much I should say and not say. I watch as I see people spinning out of control with their frustrations. I know that a lot of them have worked together for a long time. I can't honestly say that I'll be there forever -- can I be content working there for, say, a decade or until retirement? I honestly can't say that. I believe in taking things one day at a time. I am not interested in getting involved in being frustrated on someone not coming through in a timely manner.

I'm on borrowed time. This money is to go to what I want to do -- pay off my debt, stabilize my credit, take some classes and save for my real creative pursuits. I just have to stay focused, and not allow the drama to suck me in.

I just remembered I have to do something, on my creative side!

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