Monday, October 19, 2009

busy day low energy

This morning I was hit with a wave of sudden dizziness and had to sit down, and wait for the spell to pass. Lucky I had a few minutes to spare, and for a moment, seriously considered getting a cab. By the time I picked up the phone to dial, the moment had passed, and I was feeling better. I had shrugged out of my pea coat by then and as I stirred, switched back to my black trenchcoat and scarf, praying it wasn't too cold out. The weather on t.v. stated it was 38 degrees. Winter weather and not even Halloween.

I took some ibru and continued to gather strength to get ready. By the time the cool crisp air hit my face in the street, I was feeling much better and steadier on my feet. It wasn't for another hour or so when the cramps began, but I had already taken the ibru so it' didn't hit as hard. By the time 1:00 pm rolled around, I had to take a refresh on the ibru and then had lunch, a light salad and some ginger ale. The afternoon went quickly.

I am ready to call it a night. Didn't sleep well last night and now I have cramps. Augh.

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