Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I take a deep breath and release

It's 3:00 in the morning. The doorbell suddenly starts ringing, one ding-dong then another. WTF? By the time I calmed the dog down and raced out the bedroom to see who it was, cousin's girlfriend strolled past me to the door and went to peer in the peephole. She asked who was it, as if she couldn't tell who it was. She then opened the door, as I got to the door and there was my cousin standing there, with an amused look on his face. I didn't think it was funny, and found it odd that this girl who doesn't live here answers a door that isn't hers to answer let alone open. I grunted, turned around and went to my room, only to find that it was curious that my other dog didn't bark or alert the media as to who was at the door. I met my other dog in the hallway and she was calm, wagging her tail at me to greet me, as if she just came in from outside herself. I wondered if my cousin had somehow taken the dog out for a walk and stayed out and the girl, to be mean or teach him a lesson, put an extra lock on that he didn't have the key for to get in. It's just not the time and place to teach him a lesson. She wants to teach him a lesson, she needs to go live in her parent's place where her bedroom's at and drag him there permanently to live under her parents' thumb. Let's see how lovey-dovey it gets then. They never stay there more than a day or two before they come running back over here, acting like they are pulling a fast one on everybody by living like gypsies out of bags and making excuses as to why they don't pay rent while they sport new video game systems and shoes. All this while in their mid-20's, certainly not children but not all that mature in the mind either. And they want to play house. In my house. Riiight.

I texted his sister who was luckily at her place, although I knew she was probably fast asleep unlike the rest of us. I had a few choice things to say but as I have a saying, only ugly things can happen at three in the morning, and to hold off and see how things look in the morning. I do wish there was a way to keep them both up since they inconvenienced me. Aunt was woken up by the ringing but she didn't come out, and I filled her in. She thought maybe cousin was coming from work. I said really? Wasn't he here at 8 pm? Why would he be back by 3 and from his job in another borough that takes over an hour to get to and back from? And if he had the dog, no way was he working.

We'll solve the mystery tomorrow. I am thinking of changing the locks, including the deadbolt and making sure the two idiots don't get a copy of any key so we don't go through the elderly teenager theatrics again.

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