Thursday, December 10, 2009

So...what did you do on your birthday?

Dear members of the slightly interested party --

Thank you for remembering my birthday and inquiring about my well-being. My birthday was a lovely evening spending dinner with loved ones, thank you. I enjoyed a delicious meal and even had dessert. I allowed myself a drink, and enjoyed the company I was with.

I was grateful to not have to spend my birthday alone. Instead I got to be in the presence of loved ones, those who love me. I am healthy and young. I even have a day job and a roof over my head. It's an OK life.

My new phone had died, and my old phone hadn't been recharged in two weeks, so as far as well-wishers contacting me, well, they would have to find another way to reach me. By the time I got home, I happily plugged in my new phone and the old one and took a shower and went to bed. It was late and I had work the next day.

When I awoke, it was no longer my birthday and I awoke full of dreams. I checked my phones and found your messages on both phones. That was very sweet of you to remember.

Although I do wonder -- were you hoping that I was alone or with someone else?

Oh well. Who cares?

On to better things.

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