Friday, December 23, 2011

It's getting close to Christmas 2011

And this year, although money's been tight, I've been managing. Still haven't found a job that can cover what I need along with the hours, but I know that waiting is only part of the jobsearch game. I've been submitting, and being selective about what I want. I have looked for part time as well as full time in order to get a paycheck as well as the flexible hours I want. Employers seemingly have a long list of wants for their prospective employee but offer very little incentive in return. Even salaries are discouragingly low. Yet I continue to perservere. I continue to think positive and continue the job search daily.

Thoughts of where I was at a year ago, and thoughts of what has come to pass this year have visited me lately. Must be because of the time of year, New Year's is not that far behind Christmas. I am grateful for a roof over my head and food to eat along with my health. I am soooo looking forward to money opportunities a-plenty coming to me and my being awake and aware enough to grab them as they come.

I continue the hustle, I continue to be hopeful and not dwell too much on negative thoughts, things and people. I have gone out of my way for people one too many times with very little regard or thought given to me. While I do things out of kindness and courtesy, it wouldn't hurt to have some of that same energy and kindness extended back to me. What's the saying, what you give out will come back to you, sometimes even in greater amounts than you initially gave?

I've played Powerball and Mega. Wouldn't hurt to dream a little and focus on receiving big bucks. I could do so much with that money. Going back to school for one thing, along with travelling the world. All without a care in the world. I would just indulge in my love of learning. What a luxury that would be.

And making some new friends. That would be lovely. It would be nice to meet some new people and just relax and

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